What incredible illustrations! Amazing how detailed they are and how much work it took to get them. There is so much going on "below our radar". I find it such an apt metaphor for human shortsightedness in general.

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Well said, there is so much that exists beyond what we see with our limited vision on a daily basis. The Atlas is a fascinating window into a beautiful and extensive world often take for granted. Thanks for taking the time to read the article and reach out. :)

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Wow! Such a beautiful and vibrant post!

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Thank you! We were very pleased to get permission to post some of the atlas’s drawings. They’re such a unique and beautiful resource.

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This is amazing. I will have to get permission to discuss the root growth of Potentilla anserina, which you've shown. I'm struck by how deep the vegetatively propagated roots get. Was it hard to get permission to use the images?

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